Sunday, August 4, 2013

Questions to Ask Students

Everyone Should Self Critique Themselves
I believe that students that take this passion class or even anyone who wishes to better themselves should look in the mirror and critique themselves. There are several benefits of self evaluating yourself. First of all you can realize where you went wrong, if you did wrong. Retrace your own steps and realize where and why you ended up in the place that you are now. If you look at yourself in the mirror and see something great, then you are more than likely doing great. I once heard that the first step in recovery for a mental illness is admitting that your ill. If you critique yourself and realize that your ways are wrong then you have just made the first step in bettering yourself.

Self critiquing yourself is very therapeutic and you can actually heal yourself. One popular method that physical therapists use to improve a patients walking, or any movement is to have them walk or move in front of a mirror. My classmate Jean Carlos talked about our experiences with physical therapy and we both agreed. Seeing yourself in the mirror your able to see and realize where and why you're moving incorrectly. The same principle applies when you self critique yourself I would imagine. Not only are you seeing your mistakes, your seeing how you can improve yourself. So in that way self critiquing yourself is actually healing yourself.

Finally, another reason why self evaluating yourself is beneficial to everyone is because if you understand your short-comings then you understand your strengths thus, you will find what it is what you truly want in life. Finding out what you really want to do with your life gives you passion and motivation to reach your goals. Without passion and motivation to reach your goals then you are living without a purpose. I think this question should be asked frequently through out our lives. If we do this then we will be constantly bettering ourselves through out our whole entire lives. This question should be the main focus of this passion class. I believe this question is the basic foundation of finding your passion and finding your motivation. Critiquing yourself is the first step of success.

                                                   Critiquing Our Educational System

I think critiquing our educational system could be one of the hardest thing for us students to do. At a very young age we have been conditioned to believe and follow everything that our schools and teachers say. Since we were in pre-school, kindergarden, 1st grade we've been told that everything about our school is right and good. However, if we ask students to critique our very educational system that raised and nurtured us I think it'll be a very bold and necessary question to ask.

My first reason why I believe this should be asked to students is because it's such a bold and unruly question that students will actually start to think a lot deeper than they already are. It will open their eyes and, they will see what it is that they want from their education. We've been raised to not question certain things that control us. For example we don't question government, laws, religion, and our educational system is one of those things that we consider taboo if we go against it. If we do question and decide to go against it then we can bring about change that will better everyone and future generations to come.

I also believe that students should be asked this question from the start. Our schools and school faculty serve the students. So therefore the students should have a bigger say on how they want their education to be given to them. Jeff Bliss stated in his video that, "if you want a kid to change and do better, you got to touch his fricken heart."So if Jeff Bliss is right then our educational system should cater to its students a lot more. If they begin to cater to students more then, students all across America would do a lot better. Drop out rates will decrease because, kids will actually love going to school. This question could lead to some drastic changes in our education.

If students are asked what they want from their education then they will decide what it is that they actually want from college. If they are asked this and don't know what it is that they want then they'll know that college perhaps isn't what they want. That will save students a lot of time and money if they know from the start what it is that they want from college/education. If they know what they want they'll know what classes they should take, what clubs to join, what type of friends to make, and maybe they'll even know if they're in the right college. Some students may decide they want a career college instead of a community college. Some students may even decide to work full time instead of wasting their time at school taking point less classes that will inevitable lead to nothing.

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